Reapply a Template and have the default text box and title box reapplied

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Last seen: 32 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 7 May 2013
Posts: 7
I am trying to build my first presentation with Impress (Version and have some questions:

First, I don’t understand the difference between a template and a master slide. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Second, I sometimes move/resize the standard title box or text boxes on a slide, but later want to restore them to what was in the original template. When I go to Task Pane>Master Pages, select my template, and select “Apply to all Slides”, everything is restored except the original location and size of the title box and text boxes. These remain as I had moved/resized them. Is there any way to reapply the template so that the title/text boxes are back in the template specified location?? It would be nice to have such a feature. Otherwise, whenever I try moving/resizing these boxes and want them to go back to the template specified location, I have to guess where they were. Usually this results in a messy looking presentation.

Thanks in advance!!

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layout vs slide vs file
In answer to your first question, a template is a file (ODP) with predetermined content, while a Master Page is a slide with predetermined content. Read through chapter 2 of the Impress Guide v3.5-3.6. My post here may also help.

In your second point I think you are getting the term “template” and Master Page confused with layout. Try and use “template” only in relation to an entire file. Presentation files are doubly confusing because not only is there a Master Page (design) on which you can base a slide, each slide (or Master Page) can have an associated layout. A layout is more related to the type of content a slide contains i.e., Blank, Title only, Centered text, etc. This is what you need to select to restore the position of objects.

As an example, you could use a Centered text layout to create a break page at specific points through a presentation. This slide might contain centered text (of course), but it may also include a corporate logo at top left and a repeated phrase across the bottom. A slide based on this layout with the logo and phrase, but no centred text, can be saved as a Master Page, as several of these designs are required in the presentation. Now when creating these break pages each can simply be based on the saved Master Page and each instantly has the logo and phrase. For repeat presentations, it can often be the case that the same (or similar) overall structure is employed and thus a basic / empty ODP with all the required Master Pages and layouts can be saved as a template.

Last seen: 32 weeks 3 days ago
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Posts: 7
Reapply a Template and have the default text box and title box r

Thanks a lot for the reply. Your solution worked perfectly!!! Now onto my next problem.

Thanks again.

Last seen: 32 weeks 3 days ago
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Posts: 7
Can I create new "Layout" or am I limited to provide layouts
I would like to be able to have custom “Layouts” in my template. Is there any way to create a custom Layout, or am I limited to the Layouts provided by Impress?
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Last seen: 5 days 10 hours ago
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not directly possible
bq.. Currently, the slide layouts in Impress (e.g. “Title page”, “Outline page”) are a hard-coded set; it would be really cool to have them extendible or even user-editable. [From GSoC Ideas 2013 but unfortunately this idea was not selected as a project for GSoC 2013 Refer my comment below.]

You can workaround this by creating a Master Page with a Blank layout and put your content where you like, but this is not ideal.

Last seen: 32 weeks 3 days ago
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Posts: 7
Thanks for responding. Ralph
Thanks for responding. Ralph
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Last seen: 5 days 10 hours ago
Title: ==Moderator==
Joined: 26 Jan 2012
Posts: 3281
GSoC 2013 work
I have correct my answer above, as evidently Slide Extensibility is being worked on as part of the Google Summer of Code 2013. Details can be found here.

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