How to link to a local HTML file

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Last seen: 19 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 1 Jun 2012
Posts: 6

This ought to be obvious, but I can't get it right.

I have an Impress presentation, which will be stored on either a memory stick or a CD, so it can be used on other computers. At one point in the presentation, I need to click a link which will open a browser and display a complete HTML page, which is also stored on the memory stick/cd, along with all its necessary files. All of the HTML files and the Impress file are in the same folder.

I assume that this should be a relative link, but can't get the thing to work. Can anyone advise me what the correct syntax is please?

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The instructions here should help.
Last seen: 19 weeks 3 days ago
Joined: 1 Jun 2012
Posts: 6
That seems to work thanks.

That seems to work thanks. But the way Impress handles the link is still a mystery.

Although it appears to work as a relative link, it still looks like an absolute, displaying the full original path from the machine it was created on.

However, I've run the presentation successfully from a memory stick on two other machines, so I guess I'll be grateful for that whilst remaining baffled.

Thanks again for the help.

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