Aggiornamento Cocktail

Moderatore: ModiMaccanici

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Kernel Panic
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
Messaggi: 31419
Località: Sicilia


Cocktail (vs. per Mountain Lion) aggiornato alla versione 6.5.


Added ability to hide the Spotlight menu bar icon (System - Spotlight)
Added ability to rebuild Mail's Envelope index database (System - Databases)
Added ability to clear Mail downloads (Files - Caches)
Added ability to enable Simple Finder (Interface - Finder)
Added ability to disable send and reply animations in Mail (Interface - Mail)
Added OS X 10.8.5 compatibility
User interface improvements
Updated Automator actions
Updated Help files" onclick=";return false;

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Kernel Panic
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
Messaggi: 31419
Località: Sicilia


Cocktail (vs. per Mountain Lion) aggiornato alla versione 6.6.


Improvements on the "Search for corrupted preference files" procedure (it now searches for corrupted Launch Daemons and Launch Agents)
Added "Disable rubber band scrolling" setting (Interface - General)
Added "Enable Single Application mode" setting (Interface - Dock)
Added "Disable Dock icon bouncing for alerts" setting (Interface - Dock)
Added "Show only running applications" setting (Interface - Dock)
Added "Lock icon size" setting (Interface - Dock)
Added "Lock the screen of automatically logged in user" setting (Interface - Login)
Added "Always show titlebar and controller" setting (Interface - QuickTime)
Added "Do not display titlebar and controller when mouse cursor re-enters window" setting (Interface - QuickTime)
Added "Hide titlebar" setting (Interface - QuickTime)
Added "Disable rounded window corners" setting (Interface - QuickTime)
Added "Show both video and audio tracks when trimming movies" setting (Interface - QuickTime)
Added "Show Inspector at launch" setting (Interface - QuickTime)
User interface improvements." onclick=";return false;

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Iscritto il: sab, 08 ott 2005 07:00
Messaggi: 63032
Località: [k]ragnano


Maintain ha rilasciato Cocktail 6.7 (vs. per Mountain Lion).


Ecco le note di rilascio in inglese:
Improvements on the "Clear System caches" procedure. Added clearing of CVMS and Core symbolication daemon caches. XPC Helper Agent cache is now forced to be rebuilt - this can fix many of media plug-in issues, including issues with Aperture and iPhoto.
Improvements on the "Clear Java caches" procedure. Added compatibility with the latest version of Java.
Improvements on the "Clear Kernel caches" procedure. Addresses an issue in which kernel cache could not be rebuilt, "Can't create kext cache under / - owner not root" error.
Improvements on the "Clear QuickLook caches" procedure.
Improvements on the "Clear QuickTime caches" procedure.
Addresses an issue in which Cocktail may not be able to change Launchpad background blur radius.
Addresses an issue in which number of CPU cores may not be displayed in the Specifications window.
Added OS X 10.8.5 compatibility.
Updated Automator actions.
Updated Help files." onclick=";return false;
La prima cosa su cui devi investire è il benessere del tuo corpo, l'unica cosa che ti porterai nella tomba.
Franz Grua (sarebbe fragrua)

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Kernel Panic
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
Messaggi: 31419
Località: Sicilia


Cocktail (vs. per Mountain Lion) aggiornato alla versione 6.7.1.


Improvements on the "Clear CrashReporter logs" and the "Clear Apple System logs and diagnostic messages" procedures.

Crash reports are created by OS X when either an application or the operating system encounters an error and must close. In addition to the local reports iTunes will also synchronise logs from Apple's iOS devices in case they have crashed. Crash reports are used to debug problems and improve the overall stability of the system and are stored in both the user's and system's directories. Choosing to clear the logs with the everyone option includes the current user's log files.

In addition to this Cocktail can also clear the Apple System logs which contains general and diagnostic system messages produced by OS X. These files can occasionally contain useful information for debugging problems with the operating system, however a new log file is created daily so the system logs can take up considerable disk space if they are not cleared regularly.

Log files locations:

CrashReporter logs (.asl, .crash, .diag, .hang, .log, .panic, .ping, .shutdownStall, .spin files).

Apple mobile devices CrashReporter logs (.crash, .log, .submitted files).

Apple System logs and diagnostic messages (.asl, .crash, .diag, .hang, .log, .panic, .ping, .shutdownStall, .spin files).

Improvements on the "Rotate log files" procedure. Install, System, and Wi-Fi logs are now archived using bz2 compression.
Updated Automator actions." onclick=";return false;

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Iscritto il: mar, 30 ott 2007 19:20
Messaggi: 19747


Hanno aggiunto due gocce di Angostura. :)

L’inerzia soddisfatta dei cittadini è all’origine di quella incredibile malattia che è la servitù volontaria

E se vivremo, sarà per calpestare i re.

Una delle più importanti differenze tra uomini e animali è che questi ultimi non permettono, al più idiota tra loro, di diventare capo branco.

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Iscritto il: sab, 08 ott 2005 07:00
Messaggi: 63032
Località: [k]ragnano


Alzi la mano chi non ha fatto copia e incolla Angostura su google!
La prima cosa su cui devi investire è il benessere del tuo corpo, l'unica cosa che ti porterai nella tomba.
Franz Grua (sarebbe fragrua)

In un mondo perfetto io sarei un essere inutile.
©2015 albertocchio

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Iscritto il: sab, 07 giu 2008 15:51
Messaggi: 13910
Località: Bari


Azz avevo letto agopuntura... :lol:
se non sai cosa stai per fare, non lo fare
senza dimenticare che sbagliando s'impara

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Iscritto il: ven, 17 lug 2009 18:52
Messaggi: 5487
Località: Roma



... sta vicino alla worcestershire!!
Non forzare nessuno a passare a Mac, altrimenti diventerai suo schiavo per sempre! © franz
Fixing the world, one piece of hardware at a time. © iFixit

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Iscritto il: sab, 08 ott 2005 07:00
Messaggi: 63032
Località: [k]ragnano


Alzi la mano chi non ha fatto copia e incolla Worcestershire su google!
La prima cosa su cui devi investire è il benessere del tuo corpo, l'unica cosa che ti porterai nella tomba.
Franz Grua (sarebbe fragrua)

In un mondo perfetto io sarei un essere inutile.
©2015 albertocchio

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Iscritto il: ven, 12 nov 2010 15:16
Messaggi: 4856
Località: Roma


fragrua ha scritto:Alzi la mano chi non ha fatto copia e incolla Worcestershire su google!
Io ho dovuto cercare "google".

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Kernel Panic
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
Messaggi: 31419
Località: Sicilia


fragrua ha scritto:Alzi la mano chi non ha fatto copia e incolla Angostura su google!
fragrua ha scritto:Alzi la mano chi non ha fatto copia e incolla Worcestershire su google!


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Kernel Panic
Stato: Non connesso
Software Expert Gold
Software Expert Gold
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
Messaggi: 31419
Località: Sicilia


Cocktail (vs. per Mountain Lion) aggiornato alla versione 6.8.


Major improvements to the Pilot scheduler. The scheduler will be automatically disabled after installing this update and have to be enabled manually.
Addresses compatibility issues with the latest versions of Firefox and Google Chrome.
Added OS X 10.8.5 compatibility.
Resolves a number of other issues discovered in the previous release." onclick=";return false;[/quote]

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Kernel Panic
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
Messaggi: 31419
Località: Sicilia


Cocktail (vs. per Mountain Lion) aggiornato alla versione 6.8.1.


Improvements to the Pilot scheduler. When updating from version 6.7.1 or earlier, the scheduler will be automatically disabled and have to be enabled manually.
Addresses an issue in which Cocktail may crash at startup.
Fixed compatibility issues with QuarkXPress 10.
Updated Automator actions." onclick=";return false;

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Kernel Panic
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Software Expert Gold
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
Messaggi: 31419
Località: Sicilia


Cocktail (vs. per Mountain Lion) aggiornato alla versione 7.0.


Added OS X Mavericks 10.9 compatibility." onclick=";return false;

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Kernel Panic
Stato: Non connesso
Software Expert Gold
Software Expert Gold
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Iscritto il: sab, 08 gen 2011 14:03
Messaggi: 31419
Località: Sicilia


Cocktail - 7.0.1.


Addresses an issue in which Cocktail may stall when gathering disks information.
Addresses an issue in which Cocktail may fail to delete localization files.
Updated Automator actions.

Note: Cocktail (Mavericks Edition) requires OS X 10.9 Mavericks to run." onclick=";return false;


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