Anche io per la maggior parte dei amici posseggo Adium per la messaggistica istantanea
Non nascondo il fatto di star rosicando per non aver mai provato iChat (presto Messaggi)
ma alla fin fine ormai neanche più si utilizza msn per via di facebook -.-''
ilBofio ha scritto:ma alla fin fine ormai neanche più si utilizza msn per via di facebook -.-''
Questo è stravero!
Il saggio coltiva mac, tanto windows si pianta da solo... There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark. The only thing that makes it look light is the sun.
Il saggio coltiva mac, tanto windows si pianta da solo... There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark. The only thing that makes it look light is the sun.
Fixed an issue where the log indexer would never finish.
Fixed a number of crashes that could occur after closing the Transcript Viewer.
Fixed crash at startup.
Fixed crash upon cancelling the "Confirm quit" window.
Fixed crash when closing the Novell Groupwise account options.
Fixed a problem on retina Macbook Pros causing Adium to send too large user icons to the server, causing disconnects. (#16063)
Updated the Ukrainian localisation.
Il saggio coltiva mac, tanto windows si pianta da solo... There is no dark side in the moon, really. Matter of fact it's all dark. The only thing that makes it look light is the sun.
Fixed another problem with the transcript viewer causing search to fail when closing and reopening the window.
Fixed a problem with iTunes 10.6.3 on Mac OS X 10.6.8 causing the chat window's toolbar to break.
Fixed crash at startup that was meant to be fixed in 1.5.2.
Fixed a crash when receiving invalid XML on 10.8.
Fixed an issue that caused logging in to Facebook to fail when login approvals are enabled.
Icons set for group chat bookmarks will now show up on the tab bar in the chat window. (Andreas Marienborg)
Fixed tables not being declared as such via VoiceOver. (Marco Zehe)
Fixed a problem with emoticons scaling disproportionately in the yMous message style when using OS X 10.8.
Improved memory use slightly.
Fix a crash on startup on OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard.
Fix a crash when accepting or canceling the certificate verification dialog. (#16280)
Fix a crash or hang when trying to use OTR on 32-bits Macs. (#16203)
Updated Twitter support.
Retweets (RTs) now properly display the original author. links are now expanded.
Fixed parsing to conform to the standard.
Removed StatusNet support, see
Fixed a crash when redrawing the contact list.
Fixed a bug that could cause SSL connections to be closed prematurely.
Fixed the following weaknesses in the SSL code:
Removed all anonymous ciphers from the list Adium tries, these are insecure and would crash Adium.
Removed SSL_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5 from the list of ciphers, as it doesn't use encryption.
Removed the caching of untrusted certificates, as the implementation would make it easy to replace it with a different certificate when reconnecting.
Changed the default tab switching shortcuts for new users to Control-Tab/Control-Shift-Tab, to match Safari. This was meant to be done for 1.5.4 but it did not work that time.
XMPP: refer to XMPP as "XMPP (Jabber)". Unfortunately, just "XMPP" still has some potential for confusion.
Fixed SIP accountnames to be case-sensitive.
Enabled a large number of TLS cipher suites, including ECC suites and suites new in TLS 1.2.
Fix a problem causing Sametime login to fail.
Try to avoid Twitter's rate limiting causing Adium to go in a reconnection loop.
Don't try to download images included in HTML when pasting in the text field.
ho una domanda da porVi, ma Voi riuscite a collegare i Vs. account Fcabook con l'Applicazione Adium. Ve lo chiedo in quanto io ci ho provato, parecchie volte sia collegandolo come account Jabber che come Account Facebook, ma nessuno dei due si mai collegato.
Quando tento di collegare l'Account Facebook con Adium, non come account Jabber mi dice che i coockie del mio browser sono disabilitati, ma invece io li ho abilitati, ma non mi fà connettere comunque, mentre impostandolo come Account Jabber non mi da nessun errore ma non si connette mai.
Ancora grazie delle risposte che mi darete e un buon proseguimento di giornata a tutti/e.
Allo sbarco negli Stati Uniti, Einstein, come tutti gli emigrati, ricevette un modulo da compilare.Fra le molte domande cui bisognava rispondere ce n'era una che domandava:"Razza di appartenenza?”E lui scrisse: "Umana".
Albert Einstein