Writing a function with multiple "behaviours"

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Last seen: 2 years 20 weeks ago
Joined: 7 Jan 2014
Posts: 1
Hello everyone, my first post around here, hopefully I’m writing in the correct subforum. I’d just like to ask, is it possible to write a formula for a function, for example, the heaviside function, like

f(x) = { 1, x >= 0
0, x < 0

with the (only) curly bracket scaling properly, depending on the number of rows I typed.
I had no idea what to search for, as you can judge from the sketchy thread title.

Thanks, FallenShard.

Regina Henschel
Last seen: 1 year 2 weeks ago
Title: ★★★
Joined: 5 Jan 2014
Posts: 26
Write into the command
Write into the command window:

f(x)=left lbrace matrix{1#x>= 0##0#x<o} right none

The part ‘right none’ is for the missing right bracket.
The part ‘matrix’ is for nice alignment.
The part ‘lbrace’ is for the curly bracket, because { is the invisible grouping bracket, and the text \{ does not scale.

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