Etrecheck....."I SENZA VERGOGNA"

Moderatore: ModiMaccanici

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Iscritto il: mer, 10 giu 2009 13:37
Messaggi: 1305


BlackDragonGTA ha scritto:ciao a tutti, ecco il mio check:

Codice: Seleziona tutto

[not loaded] com.parallels.kext.hypervisor (10.0.1 27695 - SDK 10.7) [Support]
[not loaded] com.parallels.kext.netbridge (10.0.1 27695 - SDK 10.7) [Support]
[not loaded] com.parallels.kext.usbconnect (10.0.1 27695 - SDK 10.7) [Support]
[not loaded] com.parallels.kext.vnic (10.0.1 27695 - SDK 10.7) [Support]

[not loaded] com.vmware.kext.vmci (90.8.1) [Support]
[not loaded] com.vmware.kext.vmioplug.15.1.6 (15.1.6) [Support]
[not loaded] com.vmware.kext.vmnet (0316.43.12) [Support]
[not loaded] com.vmware.kext.vmx86 (0316.43.12) [Support]
[not loaded] com.vmware.kext.vsockets (90.8.0) [Support]

/Library/Application Support/VirtualBox
[loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv (5.0.14) [Support]
[loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp (5.0.14) [Support]
[loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt (5.0.14) [Support]
[loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB (5.0.14) [Support]
Ma tu ó ver faje? :shock:

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Iscritto il: mer, 11 nov 2009 19:28
Messaggi: 252


Premesso che il sistema non presenta evidenti rallentamenti, si avvia e si spegne in pochi secondi, e che per le mie esigenze (internet, posta elettronica e poco altro) non sento la necessità di fare aggiornamenti hard e soft.

Pensavo quindi togliere un po di spazzatura:

tutte le voci che iniziano con: [not loaded] ... etc, [failed] ... etc, le posso cancellare?
Come nota aggiuntiva ti chiederei di verificare lo stato del tuo disc attuale cliccando su [Show SMART report].
non ho capito dove devo cliccare.
iMac 21.5" Late 2009 - 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - 16Gb RAM - SSD Crucial MX300 1Tb HSierra
iMac 21.5" Retina 4K - 3,6 GHz Intel Core i7 - 16Gb RAM - SSD 500Gb Ventura
MacBook Air Late 2008 Core 2 Duo 1.6 13" 2 GB RAM 120 GB SATA Snow Leopard

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Iscritto il: mer, 10 giu 2009 13:37
Messaggi: 1305


smacmac ha scritto:non ho capito dove devo cliccare.

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Iscritto il: lun, 02 giu 2014 15:12
Messaggi: 30459
Località: Circondato dalle bufale


smacmac ha scritto:Premesso che il sistema non presenta evidenti rallentamenti, si avvia e si spegne in pochi secondi...

Ma forse è una tua impressione...
smacmac - EtreCheck ha scritto:... Performance: Below Average...
... System Launch Agents:
/System/Library/Frameworks/ServerNotification.framework/Resources/servernotifyd: Executable not found!
[not loaded] 3 Apple tasks...
System Launch Daemons:
[not loaded] 49 Apple tasks...
[failed] com.spotify.webhelper.plist (2013-05-30) [Support] - ~/Library/Application Support/Spotify/SpotifyWebHelper: Executable not found!...
User Login Items:
Jumpcut Applicazione Hidden
LittleIpsum 2 Applicazione Hidden

Internet Plug-ins:
JavaAppletPlugin: 13.9.8 - SDK 10.6 Check version
NPDjVu: Unknown
Autodesk123D64: Autodesk123D64 1.0.6 - SDK 10.7 (2012-12-18)
DYMO NPAPI Addin: 1.0 - SDK 10.4 (2012-02-22)
Google Earth Web Plug-in: 7.1 (2013-10-07)
Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: (2012-12-06)
DYMO Safari Addin: Unknown
CoolirisWebKitPlugin: Unknown (2008-12-19)
AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 10.1.14 (2015-05-13)
PrintDialogExt: 6.1 (2007-10-24)
RealPlayer Plugin: Unknown (2007-02-04)
iPhotoPhotocast: 7.0 (2010-03-31)
Silverlight: 5.1.41212.0 - SDK 10.6 (2016-03-03)
AdobePDFViewer: 10.1.14 (2015-05-13) [Support]
WacomSafari: 1.1.0-4 (2009-10-30)
DirectorShockwave: 12.1.1r151 - SDK 10.6 (2014-04-16)

User internet Plug-ins
Autodesk123DShapes64: Autodesk123DShapes64 1.0.104 - SDK 10.7 (2013-01-07)
Unity Player: UnityPlayer version 1.6.2 (2009-12-15)
Picasa: 1.0 (2010-04-29) [Support]
Unity Web Player: UnityPlayer version 2.1.0f5 (2008-12-20)
3rd Party Preference Panes:
Flip4Mac WMV (2012-05-16)
PenTablet (2009-12-20)
Perian (2011-07-23)
Secrets (2009-12-28)
Top Processes by CPU:
27% firefox
Il consiglio resta quello minimo di reinstallare da zero.
Lo stesso Snow Leopard.

Poi, se tu sei convinto che puoi dare una pulita, va bene, il Mac è tuo e puoi tenerlo come più ti piace.
Lo stesso puoi fare tenendo Snow Leopard invece che installare Mavericks.
Non è obbligatorio aggiornare un sistema operativo d'antiquariato.

Idem per l'hardware mettendo un SSD e adottando un sistema operativo attuale.
Non è obbligatorio avere un Mac 4 volte più veloce e solido con il più valido Sierra

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Iscritto il: dom, 22 gen 2017 20:34
Messaggi: 3263
Località: Fvg


GLOP ha scritto:Ma tu ó ver faje?
Se non sono troppo indiscreto, potrei sapere la provenienza di questo "dialetto"?
Mia traduzione, alquanto libera, "Ma tu cosa vorresti fare?
Grazie mille GLOP

iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015) Mod.16,2 - Processore 3,1 GHz Intel Core i5 (i5-5675R) CPU 4-core
Memoria 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 - Scheda grafica Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 1536 MB
sistema presente: macOS MONTEREY versione 12.7.5 (21H1222) dal 13/05/2024 ore 19:56

Anonimo ex-utente
Stato: Non connesso
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Expert Latitante
Iscritto il: mer, 10 giu 2009 13:37
Messaggi: 1305


Alberto.G ha scritto:Se non sono troppo indiscreto, potrei sapere la provenienza di questo "dialetto"?
Mia traduzione, alquanto libera, "Ma tu cosa vorresti fare?
Grazie mille GLOP
La traduzione è: "ma stai scherzando?" (cioè con provocazione si usa domandare l'opposto: ma tu davvero fai così?) è ovviamente un modo ironico di dire: "ma che stai combinando!"

Per chiarezza da tastiera: l'amico BlackDragonGTA ha 3 macchine virtuali, 1 avviata.

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Iscritto il: dom, 22 gen 2017 20:34
Messaggi: 3263
Località: Fvg


GLOP ha scritto:La traduzione è: "ma stai scherzando?"....
Ciao GLOP,
ti ringrazio per il tuo pronto chiarimento.
Ti ho fatto la richiesta perché un paio di parole si avvicinano molto al dialetto friulano, che conosco, per via delle mie lontane origini.
Tutto qui.

iMac (Retina 4K, 21.5-inch, Late 2015) Mod.16,2 - Processore 3,1 GHz Intel Core i5 (i5-5675R) CPU 4-core
Memoria 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3 - Scheda grafica Intel Iris Pro Graphics 6200 1536 MB
sistema presente: macOS MONTEREY versione 12.7.5 (21H1222) dal 13/05/2024 ore 19:56

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Iscritto il: mer, 11 nov 2009 19:28
Messaggi: 252


Scusate il ritardo ma sono rientrato adesso.

Come richiesto da faxus ecco lo SMART report:

Codice: Seleziona tutto

smartctl 6.5 2016-05-07 r4318 [Darwin 10.8.0 x86_64] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-16, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

Device Model:     ST31000528ASQ
Serial Number:    6VP2BCSM
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000c50 01ec2fb57
Firmware Version: AP24
User Capacity:    1,000,204,886,016 bytes [1.00 TB]
Sector Size:      512 bytes logical/physical
Rotation Rate:    7200 rpm
Device is:        Not in smartctl database [for details use: -P showall]
ATA Version is:   ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is:  SATA 2.6, 3.0 Gb/s
Local Time is:    Fri Feb 24 16:52:34 2017 CET
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled

SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
See vendor-specific Attribute list for marginal Attributes.

General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status:  (0x82)	Offline data collection activity
					was completed without error.
					Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status:      (   0)	The previous self-test routine completed
					without error or no self-test has ever 
					been run.
Total time to complete Offline 
data collection: 		(  609) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: 			 (0x7b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
					Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
					Suspend Offline collection upon new
					Offline surface scan supported.
					Self-test supported.
					Conveyance Self-test supported.
					Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities:            (0x0003)	Saves SMART data before entering
					power-saving mode.
					Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability:        (0x01)	Error logging supported.
					General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine 
recommended polling time: 	 (   1) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: 	 ( 202) minutes.
Conveyance self-test routine
recommended polling time: 	 (   2) minutes.
SCT capabilities: 	       (0x103f)	SCT Status supported.
					SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
					SCT Feature Control supported.
					SCT Data Table supported.

SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 10
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000e   118   099   006    Old_age   Always       -       177377012
  3 Spin_Up_Time            0x0003   100   100   000    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  4 Start_Stop_Count        0x0032   099   099   020    Old_age   Always       -       1075
  5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   036    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000f   078   060   030    Pre-fail  Always       -       70220611
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   090   090   000    Old_age   Always       -       9099
 10 Spin_Retry_Count        0x0013   100   100   097    Pre-fail  Always       -       0
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   096   096   020    Old_age   Always       -       4741
184 End-to-End_Error        0x0032   100   100   099    Old_age   Always       -       0
187 Reported_Uncorrect      0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
188 Command_Timeout         0x0032   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
189 High_Fly_Writes         0x003a   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
190 Airflow_Temperature_Cel 0x0022   056   042   045    Old_age   Always   In_the_past 44 (Min/Max 37/47 #42)
194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0022   044   058   000    Old_age   Always       -       44 (0 16 0 0 0)
195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered  0x001a   034   025   000    Old_age   Always       -       177377012
197 Current_Pending_Sector  0x0012   100   100   000    Old_age   Always       -       0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   100   000    Old_age   Offline      -       0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count    0x003e   200   200   000    Old_age   Always       -       0

SMART Error Log Version: 1
No Errors Logged

SMART Self-test log structure revision number 1
Num  Test_Description    Status                  Remaining  LifeTime(hours)  LBA_of_first_error
# 1  Extended offline    Completed without error       00%      9097         -
# 2  Extended offline    Aborted by host               10%      7567         -
# 3  Short offline       Completed without error       00%      5738         -
# 4  Extended offline    Interrupted (host reset)      00%      5705         -
# 5  Short offline       Aborted by host               90%      3581         -
# 6  Short offline       Aborted by host               90%      3581         -
# 7  Short offline       Aborted by host               90%      3580         -
# 8  Short offline       Aborted by host               90%      3580         -
# 9  Short offline       Aborted by host               90%      3579         -
#10  Short offline       Aborted by host               90%      3579         -
#11  Short offline       Aborted by host               90%      3578         -
#12  Short offline       Aborted by host               90%      3578         -

SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
    1        0        0  Not_testing
    2        0        0  Not_testing
    3        0        0  Not_testing
    4        0        0  Not_testing
    5        0        0  Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
  After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
Mi sembra che non ci siano problemi o sbaglio?

Poi per curiosità, senza fare modifiche, ho ripetuto Etrecheck e adesso mi da "Performance: Good" ???

Ripeto la domanda, tutte le voci che iniziano con: [not loaded] ... etc, [failed] ... etc, le posso cancellare?

In Elementi Login ho solo Jumpcut (che trovo molto utile) e LittleIpsum 2
iMac 21.5" Late 2009 - 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - 16Gb RAM - SSD Crucial MX300 1Tb HSierra
iMac 21.5" Retina 4K - 3,6 GHz Intel Core i7 - 16Gb RAM - SSD 500Gb Ventura
MacBook Air Late 2008 Core 2 Duo 1.6 13" 2 GB RAM 120 GB SATA Snow Leopard

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Iscritto il: lun, 02 giu 2014 15:12
Messaggi: 30459
Località: Circondato dalle bufale


smacmac ha scritto:... ecco lo SMART report:..
Lo vedranno utenti esperti di hardware
smacmac ha scritto:... tutte le voci che iniziano con: [not loaded] ... etc, [failed] ... etc, le posso cancellare?
Non c'è una relazione... Puoi cancellare tutto quello che vuoi.
Quelle che non funzionano andrebbero comunque disinstallate

Resto comunque della mia opinione.
Sarà più semplice e meno impegnativo rifare l'installazione da capo.
Lo penso perché se non hai avuto l'attenzione di farlo in anni non puoi pensare di farlo in una sola volta.

Non vorrei sembrare antipatico a ripetere che devi o reinstallare o aggiornare.
E che la soluzione migliore sarà mettere un SSD e aggiornare ai giorni nostri.

Però se tu sei convinto che è meglio lasciare le cose come stanno...

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Iscritto il: mer, 11 nov 2009 19:28
Messaggi: 252


Non sei antipatico anzi, mi hai dato molti consigli utili.

Ho visto su ifixit la procedura per mettere l'SSD ma io non me la sento di metterci le mani.

Proverò con cancellazioni e disinstallazioni mirate.

Per ora il sistema è stabile, ho TM sempre attivo e faccio un backup completo al mese con CCC.

Se si dovessero presentare gravi problemi hardware, farò un pensierino per un nuovo iMac con il prossimo OS... Sierra Nevada? :D
iMac 21.5" Late 2009 - 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - 16Gb RAM - SSD Crucial MX300 1Tb HSierra
iMac 21.5" Retina 4K - 3,6 GHz Intel Core i7 - 16Gb RAM - SSD 500Gb Ventura
MacBook Air Late 2008 Core 2 Duo 1.6 13" 2 GB RAM 120 GB SATA Snow Leopard

Stato: Non connesso
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Pro-Expert 
Iscritto il: mer, 04 mar 2015 13:18
Messaggi: 5580


  1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate     0x000e   118   099   006    Old_age   Always       -       177377012
  7 Seek_Error_Rate         0x000f   078   060   030    Pre-fail  Always       -       70220611
  9 Power_On_Hours          0x0032   090   090   000    Old_age   Always       -       9099
 12 Power_Cycle_Count       0x0032   096   096   020    Old_age   Always       -       4741
195 Hardware_ECC_Recovered  0x001a   034   025   000    Old_age   Always       -       177377012
Beh è un disco che può raggiungere quasi i 90-95MB/s in lettura/scrittura nato nel 2009.
Premesso ciò, i dischi magnetici non sono danneggiati, ma i 7 anni iniziano a farsi sentire (temperature sopra i 45° e "infiniti" errori RAW_READ, Seek_Error e Hardware_ECC). Se non vuoi cambiarlo, sii premuroso nei confronti dei tuoi dati ed esegui backup ad ogni fine lavoro.

Azzarderei una scrittura di zeri, prima di installare da zero macOS.

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Iscritto il: mer, 11 nov 2009 19:28
Messaggi: 252


Ho fatto pulizia ecco il nuovo report:

EtreCheck version: 3.1.5 (343)
Report generated 2017-02-25 18:44:42
Download EtreCheck from" onclick=";return false;
Runtime 4:05
Performance: Good

Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.
Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.

Problem: No problem - just checking

Hardware Information: ⓘ
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2009)
[Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]
iMac - model: iMac10,1
1 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (Duo) CPU: 2-core
2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
2 GB DDR3 1067 MHz ok
Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
Wireless: en1: 802.11 a/b/g/n

Video Information: ⓘ
ATI Radeon HD 4670 - VRAM: 256 MB
iMac 1920 x 1080

System Software: ⓘ
OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 (10K549) - Time since boot: about 6 hours

Disk Information: ⓘ
ST31000528ASQ disk0 : (931,51 GB) (Rotational)
[Show SMART report]
- (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB
Macintosh HD (disk0s2) / [Startup]: 999.86 GB (573.37 GB free)


USB Information: ⓘ
Apple, Inc. Keyboard Hub
Apple, Inc Apple Keyboard
Apple Inc. Built-in iSight
Apple Internal Memory Card Reader
Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
Apple Inc. BRCM2046 Hub
Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller

Configuration files: ⓘ
/etc/sysctl.conf - File exists but not expected
/etc/launchd.conf - File exists but not expected

Kernel Extensions: ⓘ
/Applications/Little Snitch
[loaded] at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch (2.5.4 - 2013-04-23) [Support]

/Library/Application Support/Roxio
[not loaded] com.roxio.TDIXController (1.7 - 2012-11-29) [Support]

[not loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv (3.2.0 - 2016-02-24) [Support]
[not loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp (3.2.0 - 2016-02-24) [Support]
[not loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt (3.2.0 - 2016-02-24) [Support]
[not loaded] org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB (3.2.0 - 2016-02-24) [Support]

[loaded] com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower (1.5.2 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver (2.2.14 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.driver.JRDMassStorageDriverType05 (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.driver.JRDUSBModemCDC (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.driver.JRDUSBModemData (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.driver.JRDUSBModemData_MO (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.kodak.print.printerdock.merge (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.pctools.iantivirus.kfs (1.0.1 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.prolific.driver.PL2303 (1.2.1 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.quark.driver.Tether (1.1.0d3 - SDK 10.4 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[loaded] com.quark.driver.Tether64 (1.1.0d3 - SDK 10.6 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] (1.0.1d1 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] (1.0.3d1 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.wacom.kext.pentablet (Pen Tablet 5.2.1-3 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] jp.plentycom.driver.SteerMouse (3.5 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] net.telestream.driver.IODVDImage ( - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.ConexantCX2388X (0.2 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.MMInputFamily (0.6.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.PhilipsSAA7146 (0.5.5 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.PrincipalMMInputs (0.7.4 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.TypicalDVBFrontends (0.7.4 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.UDMUtils (0.1.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]

[not loaded] jp.plentycom.driver.SteerMouseSafe (3.5 - 2006-11-21) [Support]

System Launch Agents: ⓘ
[not loaded] 3 Apple tasks
[loaded] 60 Apple tasks
[running] 9 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
[not loaded] 52 Apple tasks
[loaded] 89 Apple tasks
[running] 30 Apple tasks

Launch Agents: ⓘ
[running] at.obdev.LittleSnitchUIAgent.plist (2016-02-16) [Support]
[running] (2012-04-20) [Support]
[running] com.wacom.pentablet.plist (2009-10-30) [Support]
[loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.startx.plist (2015-10-16) [Support]

Launch Daemons: ⓘ
[running] at.obdev.littlesnitchd.plist (2016-02-16) [Support]
[loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist (2017-01-30) [Support]
[loaded] (2010-02-11)
[loaded] (2011-02-18)
[loaded] com.bombich.ccc.plist (2012-05-14) [Support]
[running] com.cleverfiles.cfbackd.plist (2015-01-24) [Support]
[loaded] com.cocoatech.pathfinder.SMFHelper.plist (2010-06-08) [Support]
[loaded] com.disc-soft.DAEMONTools.PrivilegedHelper.plist (2012-11-17) [Support]
[not loaded] com.dymo.pnpd.plist (2012-02-22) [Support]
[loaded] com.fernlightning.fseventer.plist (2011-11-28) [Support]
[loaded] org.macosforge.xquartz.privileged_startx.plist (2015-10-16) [Support]

User Launch Agents: ⓘ
[running] (2013-12-27) [Support]
[loaded] (2011-02-10)
[running] (2017-02-25)
[loaded] (2017-02-25)
[loaded] (2013-10-03)
[not loaded] (2014-12-19)
[loaded] (2014-04-18)
[not loaded] (2015-12-15) [Support]
[loaded] com.valvesoftware.steamclean.plist (2012-03-09) [Support]

User Login Items: ⓘ
Jumpcut Applicazione Hidden
LittleIpsum 2 Applicazione Hidden

Internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
JavaAppletPlugin: 13.9.8 - SDK 10.6 (2012-09-07) Check version
NPDjVu: Unknown (2007-10-24) [Support]
Autodesk123D64: Autodesk123D64 1.0.6 - SDK 10.7 (2012-12-18) [Support]
DYMO NPAPI Addin: 1.0 - SDK 10.4 (2012-02-22) [Support]
Google Earth Web Plug-in: 7.1 (2013-10-07) [Support]
Flip4Mac WMV Plugin: (2012-12-06) [Support]
DYMO Safari Addin: Unknown - SDK 10.4 (2012-02-22) [Support]
CoolirisWebKitPlugin: Unknown (2008-12-19) [Support]
AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 10.1.14 (2015-05-13) [Support]
FlashPlayer-10.6: - SDK 10.9 (2017-02-14) [Support]
PrintDialogExt: 6.1 (2007-10-24) [Support]
RealPlayer Plugin: Unknown (2007-02-04) [Support]
Flash Player: - SDK 10.9 (2017-02-14) [Support]
iPhotoPhotocast: 7.0 (2010-03-31)
QuickTime Plugin: 7.6.6 (2017-02-25)
Silverlight: 5.1.41212.0 - SDK 10.6 (2016-03-03) [Support]
AdobePDFViewer: 10.1.14 (2015-05-13) [Support]
WacomSafari: 1.1.0-4 (2009-10-30) [Support]
DirectorShockwave: 12.1.1r151 - SDK 10.6 (2014-04-16) [Support]

User internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
Autodesk123DShapes64: Autodesk123DShapes64 1.0.104 - SDK 10.7 (2013-01-07) [Support]
Unity Player: UnityPlayer version 1.6.2 (2009-12-15) [Support]
Picasa: 1.0 (2010-04-29) [Support]
Unity Web Player: UnityPlayer version 2.1.0f5 (2008-12-20) [Support]

Safari Extensions: ⓘ
Adblock Plus - Eyeo GmbH -" onclick=";return false; (2017-01-03)
YouTube5 - Connor McKay -" onclick=";return false; (2014-12-09)

Audio Plug-ins: ⓘ
iSightAudio: 7.6.6 (2013-10-03)

3rd Party Preference Panes: ⓘ
Flash Player (2017-01-30) [Support]
Flip4Mac WMV (2012-05-16) [Support]
PenTablet (2009-12-20) [Support]
Perian (2011-07-23) [Support]
SystemModeConfigurator (2016-02-02) [Support]

Time Machine: ⓘ
Time Machine information requires OS X 10.8 "Mountain Lion" or later.

Top Processes by CPU: ⓘ
6% firefox
2% fontd
1% WindowServer
0% kernel_task
0% Little Snitch Agent

Top Processes by Memory: ⓘ
1.10 GB firefox
630 MB kernel_task
303 MB thunderbird
139 MB coreservicesd
139 MB mds

Virtual Memory Information: ⓘ
3.44 GB Available RAM
3.44 GB Free RAM
4.56 GB Used RAM
0 B Cached files
0 B Swap Used

Diagnostics Information: ⓘ
Feb 25, 2017, 12:36:52 PM Self test - passed

Mi sembra meglio o no?

Nel frattempo l'hd della Time Capsule a pensato bene di abbandonarmi.
iMac 21.5" Late 2009 - 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - 16Gb RAM - SSD Crucial MX300 1Tb HSierra
iMac 21.5" Retina 4K - 3,6 GHz Intel Core i7 - 16Gb RAM - SSD 500Gb Ventura
MacBook Air Late 2008 Core 2 Duo 1.6 13" 2 GB RAM 120 GB SATA Snow Leopard

Avatar utente
Stato: Non connesso
Pro-Expert 
Pro-Expert 
Avatar utente
Iscritto il: lun, 02 giu 2014 15:12
Messaggi: 30459
Località: Circondato dalle bufale


smacmac ha scritto:Ho fatto pulizia ecco il nuovo report:...
... Mi sembra meglio o no?...
Meglio? Un pochino.
Ma meglio non significa bene, significa solo meno peggio.

I problemi dell'affollamento di estensioni, driver e plugin fuori dal controllo e dalla funzionalità sono mine attive.
Se si verifica un qualsiasi evento innescante saranno problemi.
Speriamo di no, ma per sicurezza comprati un portafortuna.

Poi, per le considerazioni di tipo generale, ho già detto

Avatar utente
Stato: Non connesso
Maccanico attivo
Maccanico attivo
Avatar utente
Iscritto il: mer, 11 nov 2009 19:28
Messaggi: 252


A proposito di estensioni, le seguenti:

[loaded] com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower (1.5.2 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.FTDI.driver.FTDIUSBSerialDriver (2.2.14 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.driver.JRDMassStorageDriverType05 (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.driver.JRDUSBModemCDC (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.driver.JRDUSBModemData (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.driver.JRDUSBModemData_MO (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.kodak.print.printerdock.merge (1.0.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.pctools.iantivirus.kfs (1.0.1 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.prolific.driver.PL2303 (1.2.1 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.quark.driver.Tether (1.1.0d3 - SDK 10.4 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[loaded] com.quark.driver.Tether64 (1.1.0d3 - SDK 10.6 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] (1.0.1d1 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] (1.0.3d1 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] com.wacom.kext.pentablet (Pen Tablet 5.2.1-3 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] jp.plentycom.driver.SteerMouse (3.5 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] net.telestream.driver.IODVDImage ( - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.ConexantCX2388X (0.2 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.MMInputFamily (0.6.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.PhilipsSAA7146 (0.5.5 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.PrincipalMMInputs (0.7.4 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.TypicalDVBFrontends (0.7.4 - 2017-02-25) [Support]
[not loaded] org.defyne.driver.UDMUtils (0.1.0 - 2017-02-25) [Support]

eccetto le due caricate, le altre le ho cercate con Find Any File ma non le trova, come faccio ad eliminarle se non esistono?
iMac 21.5" Late 2009 - 3 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo - 16Gb RAM - SSD Crucial MX300 1Tb HSierra
iMac 21.5" Retina 4K - 3,6 GHz Intel Core i7 - 16Gb RAM - SSD 500Gb Ventura
MacBook Air Late 2008 Core 2 Duo 1.6 13" 2 GB RAM 120 GB SATA Snow Leopard

Stato: Non connesso
Apprendista Maccanico
Apprendista Maccanico
Iscritto il: gio, 23 mag 2013 16:30
Messaggi: 93


Senza alcuna vergogna posto il mio, se dovesse esserci qualcosa che non va fatemi un fischio! ;-)

Codice: Seleziona tutto

EtreCheck version: 3.1.5 (343)
Report generated 2017-02-26 18:07:05
Download EtreCheck from
Runtime 2:09
Performance: Excellent

Click the [Support] links for help with non-Apple products.
Click the [Details] links for more information about that line.

Problem: No problem - just checking

Hardware Information: ⓘ
    MacBook Air (11-inch, Mid 2011) 
    [Technical Specifications] - [User Guide] - [Warranty & Service]
    MacBook Air - model: MacBookAir4,1
    1 1,6 GHz Intel Core i5 (i5-2467M) CPU: 2-core
    4 GB RAM Not upgradeable
        BANK 0/DIMM0
            2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok
        BANK 1/DIMM0
            2 GB DDR3 1333 MHz ok
    Bluetooth: Old - Handoff/Airdrop2 not supported
    Wireless:  en0: 802.11 a/b/g/n
    Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 380

Video Information: ⓘ
    Intel HD Graphics 3000
        Color LCD 1366 x 768

System Software: ⓘ
    macOS Sierra  10.12.3 (16D32) - Time since boot: about 2 days 

Disk Information: ⓘ
    APPLE SSD SM128C disk0 : (121,33 GB) (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
    [Show SMART report]
        EFI (disk0s1) <not mounted> : 210 MB 
        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>  [Recovery]: 650 MB 
        macOS SSD (disk1) /  [Startup]: 120.11 GB (57.16 GB free)
            Encrypted AES-XTS Unlocked
            Core Storage: disk0s2 120.47 GB Online

USB Information: ⓘ
    Apple Inc. FaceTime Camera (Built-in) 
    Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad 
    Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub 
        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller 

Thunderbolt Information: ⓘ
    Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus

Configuration files: ⓘ
    /etc/hosts - Count: 185

Gatekeeper: ⓘ
    Mac App Store and identified developers

Kernel Extensions: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    com.caiaq.driver.NIUSBAudio2DJDriver (2.8.0 (R36) - SDK 10.9 - 2017-02-02) [Support]
    [not loaded]    com.caiaq.driver.NIUSBAudio4DJDriver (2.8.0 (R36) - SDK 10.9 - 2017-02-02) [Support]
    [not loaded]    com.caiaq.driver.NIUSBHardwareDriver (2.8.0 (R36) - SDK 10.9 - 2017-02-02) [Support]
    [not loaded]    com.caiaq.driver.NIUSBTraktorAudio2Driver (2.8.0 (R36) - SDK 10.9 - 2017-02-02) [Support]
    [not loaded]    com.caiaq.driver.NIUSBTraktorKontrolS4Driver (2.8.0 (R36) - SDK 10.9 - 2017-02-02) [Support]
    [not loaded]    com.caiaq.driver.NIUSBTraktorKontrolX1Driver (2.8.0 (R36) - SDK 10.9 - 2017-02-02) [Support]

System Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    8 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    172 Apple tasks
    [running]    100 Apple tasks

System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    42 Apple tasks
    [loaded]    165 Apple tasks
    [running]    103 Apple tasks

Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [not loaded]    com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist (2016-12-05) [Support]
    [failed]    com.adobe.ARMDCHelper.cc24aef4a1b90ed56a725c38014c95072f92651fb65e1bf9c8e43c37a23d420d.plist (2017-02-02) [Support]
    [not loaded]    com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist (2016-12-05) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusagent.plist (2016-11-29) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusnotifications.plist (2016-11-29) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusstatus.plist (2016-11-29) [Support]
    [loaded] (2017-01-14) [Support]
    [loaded] (2017-01-23) [Support]

Launch Daemons: ⓘ
    [loaded]    com.adobe.ARMDC.Communicator.plist (2017-02-02) [Support]
    [loaded]    com.adobe.ARMDC.SMJobBlessHelper.plist (2017-02-02) [Support]
    [running]    com.adobe.adobeupdatedaemon.plist (2016-12-05) [Support]
    [running]    com.adobe.agsservice.plist (2017-02-02) [Support]
    [running]    com.bjango.istatmenusdaemon.plist (2016-11-29) [Support]
    [loaded] (2017-01-23) [Support]
    [loaded] (2016-12-13) [Support]
    [running]    net.openvpn.client.plist (2015-10-05) [Support]

User Launch Agents: ⓘ
    [running]    com.spotify.webhelper.plist (2017-02-24) [Support]

User Login Items: ⓘ
    iTunesHelper    Applicazione   (2017-02-02)
    OpenVPN Connect    Applicazione  
    NIHardwareAgent    Applicazione Hidden 
        (/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Hardware/
    Google Drive    Applicazione  
    Google Chrome    Applicazione Hidden 

Internet Plug-ins: ⓘ
    AdobePDFViewerNPAPI: 15.006.30243 - SDK 10.11 (2016-12-05) [Support]
    Silverlight: 5.1.50901.0 - SDK 10.6 (2016-12-04) [Support]
    AdobePDFViewer: 15.006.30243 - SDK 10.11 (2016-12-05) [Support]
    QuickTime Plugin: 7.7.3 (2016-12-20)
    JavaAppletPlugin: Java 8 Update 121 build 13 (2017-01-23) Check version
    AdobeAAMDetect: - SDK 10.9 (2016-12-05) [Support]

3rd Party Preference Panes: ⓘ
    Java (2017-01-23) [Support]
    Native Instruments USB Audio (2016-11-29) [Support]

Time Machine: ⓘ
    Time Machine not configured!

Top Processes by CPU: ⓘ
         8%   	MailCacheDelete
         7%   	WindowServer
         4%   	kernel_task
         2%   	launchd
         2%   	secinitd(3)

Top Processes by Memory: ⓘ
    791 MB    	Google Chrome Helper(9)
    460 MB    	kernel_task
    188 MB    	Google Chrome
    139 MB    	Google Drive
    98 MB     	mdworker(16)

Virtual Memory Information: ⓘ
    1013 MB   	Available RAM
    114 MB    	Free RAM
    3.01 GB   	Used RAM
    898 MB    	Cached files
    154 MB    	Swap Used

Diagnostics Information: ⓘ
    Feb 24, 2017, 09:47:35 PM    Self test - passed
I miei dispositivi Apple:
iPhone 6S 16GB Oro
MacBook Pro 13": Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz - Samsung 840 120GB - 8GB 1066MHz DDR3 - NVIDIA GeForce 320M
Mac Mini (Late 2012): Intel Core i5 2.5 GHz - HD 500GB - 16GB 1600MHz DDR3 - Intel HD 4000
MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2011): Intel Core i5 1.6 GHz - SSD 120GB - 4GB 1333MHz DDR3 - Intel HD 3000


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